Vyacheslav Bronnikov
Author of the Bronnikov-Fekleron System,
Ph.D., Professor.
Where the thought goes,
there goes the energy;
where the energy goes
- there goes the blood
Our training programs
The person learns to turn the brain combinatorics on and off conscientiously, develop the Super-conscious perception, the ability to see with the brain: internal organs, subtle effects in and around the human body.
The method of the outer, alternative vision with the eyes closed has been known since ancient times and is used in various martial arts' systems. The vision without eyes is related to the embryonic vision, the vision on the cellular level.
Level 1: Ecology of the Spirit
You learn to play and work with your own body-energy. The body needs these energies to flow, to activate the immune-system and to repair itself.
The partner-exercises activate the exchange and develop the acceptance of mutual complementation.

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What Our Students Say
Remarkable people of our time
about the Bronnikov System
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Author of five books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light and his newest one, The Mayan Ouroboros.
Not only could these children see the inner screen and see without using their eyes, they could even simply hold a book for a few minutes and the entire book would show up on their inner screen. Once there, the children could scroll through the pages like on a computer and read and see all the text and photographs that are in the original book. Further, the children would immediately know the contents of the entire book.
Hitomi Akamatsu
Doctor of Philosophy and Psychology, Psychotherapist at Monash University (Australia), part of the TOP 1000 the greatest women of the 21st century, President of the «Energy Healing Asia International».
I succeeded in discovering the Bronnikov method, as the most effective and fastest in research and development. It turns out, that in the Bronnikov method laid very effective ways of developing the human abilities and techniques for rapid general development. From my point of view, the method can become a "quantum leap" in the development of our science and technology, the system of education, society, etc.
Vadim Zeland
Is a contemporary Russian mystic and writer. Reality transurfing - an esoteric doctrine being published by Vadim Zeland since 2004.
In my opinion, Bronnikov School exceeds all other similar schools putted together, judging by the extent of its effectiveness and proximity to the new realities. Students of Bronnikov in a few months learning to master what monks in Tibetan monasteries cannot achieved within a few years of hard training. I myself have learned so far only the first stage of this school, but the results have surprised me.
Video Library
Level 1: Exercise“Elastic” and “Energy beam”

Level 1: Exercise“Elastic” and “Energy beam”

Level 1: General safety measures for practicing the exercises

Difference between a human and an animal

Blindfolded on the bike
Training location
Centrum Djoj
Antony Duyklaan 5-7
3051 HA Rotterdam
Phone: +31-108-185-444