As a result of interaction of solar and cosmic energy in a cell, organs and systems of the body, there appears a product of the reaction – energy, that has dual solar and cosmic energies properties. Reaction of these energies interaction is called Bioenergy.
According to ancient ideas - this energy is the viable force, and it has the following fundamental components:
1. Sexual energy (YANG)
2. Parent energy (YIN)
3. Self-expressions (YANG)
4. Imitations (YIN)
5. Protective (YANG)
6. Nutritional (YIN)
Bioenergy is also indicated by the Star of David.
Bioenergy has the ability to transform into a higher quality, acquiring new properties: the psychic energy and psychic plasma.
Bioenergy is the result of an informative conversion in the body. Bioenergy is manifested in the form of six energies. It depends on the organic structure complexity.
Types of bioenergy:
1. Sexual energy
2. Parent energy
3. Self-expressions
4. Imitations
5. Protective
6. Nutritional