The 20th and the 21st centuries have fundamentally changed the entire human life due to scientific and technical development. For the first time in its history, humankind found itself in the informational ocean. From the viewpoint of astrophysicists, the Earth is evolving into a radio star — earthshine is thought to be brighter than solar radiation in radio-frequency range.
Electromagnetic development of our planet leads to a dead-end process, turning it into a high-frequency electric oven.
Simultaneously, genetics, which creates genetically modified foods and organisms; nanotechnologies, which create engineering constructions at the nanolevel; plasma technologies, chronal and other technologies, storm into the life of our planet.
The majority of developments are classified and secret, and people do not know about them.
One of the greatest challenges of our times is that unless the possibilities of scientific and technical development are disclosed and explained to people in the nearest future, unless people receive the knowledge of modern reality they need, humankind will lose its ability to perceive them.
Apart from psychological problem, there is also a problem of lack of human body defences protecting against negative influence and effects of aggressive artificial informational environment.
Human experimentations are being conducted globally, and people know nothing about them.
At the present day, the Third quantum revolution is taking place. Humankind is in a state when revolutionary, evolutionary, involutionary and convergence processes are taking place in our lives simultaneously.
Our planet is giving birth to the New Human. The birth of five types of indigo children is taking place.
Artificially intelligent technical substances — cyborgs — are being created. Genetically mutated, nanotechnological individuals of a new kind and quality. Since 1990-ies, formation of human twins in 3D bioprinters has been taking place.
Artificial life forms are being created. Subtle matter devices and beings with artificial intellect are being created. Creation and control of global artificial substances, such as Internet, is taking place. Technical means are changing and transforming very fast.
3. International Symposium in Tbilisi dedicated to the unconscious cerebration, 1979.
In 1979, at the International Symposium in Tbilisi dedicated to the unconscious cerebration, the notion of “unconscious” was officially divided into two functions — subconscious and superconscious, for the first time in international practice.
The symposium was conducted under the guidance of the leading secret services of the world.
At last, tripersonality was found in the human being — consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousness. Thirty five years have passed, but many people still do not have any definite information about superconscious function. At the same time, many developed countries have already adopted laws prohibiting use of psychotronic technologies aimed at influencing human consciousness via advertisement and other media.
All this is based on the knowledge of superconscious function, which is used in modern technologies that are hidden from people.
In 1980, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology (Moscow, Russia), directed by P.V. Simonov, attempted to defend around 80 scientific works on unconscious cerebration, but it was inhibited from it, because secret institutions were in charge of that issue.
Basic principles of superconscious processes:
Torsional process (principle) is based on formation of two oppositely oriented vectors of effective torsional force in a specific point of space-time continuum. This principle applies both to micro and macro objects of organic and inorganic nature.
Leptonic process (principle) is based on formation of a biomorphic hologram of the essential nature which has three functional needs (desires):
Desire to develop one’s abilities.
Desire to acquire new abilities.
Desire to adapt.
Gluon process (mechanism) includes self-awareness, self-development and self-protection..
Currently, humankind is divided into three major groups:
Human resource.
Transhumanist Movement.
Noospheric humankind.
1. Human Resource is the conglomerate of people with restricted abilities and needs who live for today in a limited space of ideas. The majority of them have underdeveloped individual psychology. Few of them have collective, team psychology, and they guide the others on different levels of social organisation.
2. Representatives of the Transhumanist Movement are typically the elite of the Human Resource Movement. They have a financial possibility to purchase technologies, methods and resources developed nanotechnologically, genetically, biotechnologically, with the use of microelectonic, computer, informational, plasma, chronal, suggestive, mental, neural, psychological, etc., technologies, which serve as external supplements, substitutions and intensifiers, as well as other resources turning a human being into a symbiosis, a biopsychotechnical object of new generation. The drawback of transhumanism lies in the fact that spiritual qualities are being lost and psychological development is changed, which leads to the loss of human qualities.
3. Noospheric people. The main emphasis is on the systemic integral psychophysiological development of the brain and the entire human body through activation of dormant ancient structures of the brain. The result is:
Development of innate, phantom and essential senses, dense and subtle bodies.
Development of leptonic scanning abilities from micro to macro objects of the past, present and future, and within three dimensions — material, non-material and Bardo spaces.
Development of one’s essential nature, immortal atmanic state — a substance which can exist in several different bodies and objects simultaneously due to holographic consciousness, use of holographic brain interface and human Internet.
Noospheric people are the intellectual, human and creative capital of any country and the international community.
A noospheric person is someone who feels a need for and a sense of connection to the divine and planetary development.
Scientific and technical development has approached creation of interactive glasses, echo helmet, holographic human brain interface on the basis of switching in and development with the use of laser and leptonic generators. All these and other technologies of transhumanism have a very weak spot – consciousness and human brain. Unique, alive technologies are being created, but a human being cannot tolerate them, is destroyed and killed by them.
An impulse of the Holy Spirit from within is needed for further successful development.
Noospheric development is the most advanced and progressive in terms of formation and preparation of human consciousness and brain for future technologies and a new life.
In the process of noospheric development, holographic brain interface is formed without any artificial influences on human brain and body. Noospheric technologies enable creation of a new noospheric human being whose hidden enormous potential and resources are activated.
6. Basic principles of the development of the Holographic human brain interface
- Eye leptonic emission
Our eyes perceive photon emission – light. When light enters the eyes, it turns into a biochemical signal and is processed by the system of visual centres of the brain.
Consequently, the brain emits leptonic radiation, which is stronger than photon emission, through the body and eyes, and a person sees the world around.
Put your palm in front of your face. Start looking carefully at your palm, picturing how you make a hole in it with your eyes, drill through it. You will feel a strong sensation in your palm immediately. This is the result of the emission coming from your eyes. Anyone can conduct this illustrative experiment, but science is unaware of such phenomena, or, to be more precise, conceals such knowledge.
- Phantom sensations
This is a function of superconsciousness which is based on memory, fantasy, imagination and concentration of attention. All these factors create so-called energy and acting forces within the body.
The better one’s memory, fantasy, imagination, concentration of attention work, the more powerful leptonic emission of this person’s brain is.
- Rapid Eye Movement in the state of waking
REM pathology, known in psychiatry, occurs in people in the state of waking, especially among the blind. A person wakes up, talks to his or her family and simultaneously sees a visualisation of a dream in his or her mind.
If this process is uncontrollable and spontaneous, it is pathological.
If a person, healthy or blind, knows about this phenomenon and knows how to control it – switch it on and off, guide the plot, — this brain ability is the basis for meditation, it provides a powerful development of the brain and reveals person’s hidden abilities.
- Blindfolded vision
Unification of abilities — eye leptonic emission, phantom senses, Rapid Eye Movement in the state of waking — on the basis of auto-training psychological techniques creates the new “radar vision” ability.
“Radar vision” enables vision of the surroundings not with your eyes, but with your brain and body.
Psychobiocomputer vision
The next stage in the development of human abilities leads to creation of brain display, programmes necessary for working with images, as well as organisation of brain keyboard.
The operator’s ability to work with brain display and keyboard mentally is developed.
The processes of development of new human brain abilities have been studied in many Russian institutes. A number of outstanding discoveries have been made.
As N.P. Bekhtereva stated, “Due to V.M. Bronnikov method, the brain had been opened for analysis for the first time, and Russian scientists received an opportunity to look into the hidden depths of the human brain to understand many secret processes.”
Methods and technologies developed by V.M. Bronnikov are safe and beneficial for human development.
- Holographic human brain interface
The human brain works and functions dimensionally and holographically.
We master the technology of development of holographic human brain interface. This technology helps to strengthen human vital forces and transform the environment. It is similar to the work of a professional gardener.
It opens a prospect for formation of a noospheric person who can process big amounts of information in many areas simultaneously. Several active streams of consciousness are formed, as well as many other characteristics.
Mastering holographic human brain interface is a road towards preparation of different professionals for the new level of their abilities.
- Human Internet
Sending messages from one brain to another, from one consciousness to another, from consciousness to computer, from human consciousness to animal or plant consciousness, from human consciousness to the nature’s consciousness opens new prospects for the unified system of new human abilities — holographic human brain interfaces — into a new live-sustaining system. And this is current reality!
“Noosphere World” corporation, created in 1994, has been working successfully for over 20 years in Russia and more than 20 countries around the world.
Currently, 64 International Coordination Centres function within the Corporation system, employing 720 specialists. From 1994 to 2015, more than 1.5 mln people used our technologies.
The main activity of the Corporation is spreading and implementing space technologies for the development of the International Movement “Noosphere World – 15th Reality”.
Corporate activities are conducted on the basis of International Coordination Centres and their systems.
Capitalisation of the Corporation is 12 bln USD. Sales of shares, formation and development of corporate business are conducted via franchising.
1.5 mln people interested in the International Movement “Noosphere World – 15th Reality” take part in our system, in creation of a new virtual state; they thrive in a new safe environment of like-minded people.
The Corporation cooperates with “Psychobiocomputer Valley”, World Noosphere University of Cosmic Research (WNUCR), Fund of Vyacheslav Bronnikov, International Bronnikov Club.
http ://vnuki.com/, http://wnucr.com/
WORLD NOOSPHERE UNIVERSITY OF COSMIC RESEARCH provides higher education on the basis of psychology and technologies of the 6th technological mode for specialists in noosphere-related professions, mastering holographic brain interface.
The University focuses its activities on three areas:
research work;
constant on-campus and distant education;
Scientific Bronnikov School.
The main goal of the University is preparation of specialists for “Bronnikov–Fekleron” System.
Leading Russian and foreign specialists, scientists and instructors work at the University.
Our main principle is “One step of theory – one step of practice”.
The education system is based on discovering and developing self-emerging knowledge, acquiring torsional, leptonic and gluon technologies on the ground of meaning psychology.
Research work is based on the philosophical science of Cosmopsychobiology.
On WNUCR web-site you can find information about the structure of the University, its departments and specialities of 4d–18d levels, subjects and programmes of the new cosmic generation, creative studying methods, practical application of the Bronnikov method, schedules of lectures and courses.
Psychobiocomputer Valley is a virtual social system created in 2010 which is based on 16 areas of activities.
Psychobiocomputer Valley was created for working with society in order to spread information about development prospects of modern civilization.
Every person should have a chance to receive the most advanced and objective information about current events, as well as knowledge about technologies which will help him or her adapt to the rapidly changing world, aggressive energy-informational field, obtain an opportunity to become a representative of the noospheric middle class.
Currently, there are 200 thousand users registered on the central web-site; 5 thousand new users from all over the world visit it every day.
V.M. Bronnikov built his work upon charity at the very beginning, and he continues to do so today.
Fund of Vyacheslav Bronnikov was created for accumulating donations of the Author of the Method, his partners, colleagues, supporters, everyone who wants to contribute to the Method and system development.
Over the years of the Fund’s existence, more than 50 thousand people, many of whom were disabled (ICP, persons with vision and hearing disabilities) or had health problems, benefited from its grants and help. More than 100 charity programmes for children were implemented.
An online store for the club system aimed at providing its members and anyone interested with advanced valuable information, technologies and products.
Selling everything our society needs — from a toothbrush to a spaceship — in the online store is proposed.
Selling products and services created within our system, as well as by our partners and like-minded people participating in the most advanced areas, is planned.
All information, products, goods and services go through psychobiocomputer inspection to determine their quality and safety in use.
An independent centre for inspection and assessment based on psychobiocomputer and holographic technologies conducts examinations, issues certificates of quality, warranties and user recommendations.
1. Dmitriyev A.N. Fiery recreation of climate of Earth. Novosibirsk, Tomsk publishing house of JSC Tverdynya, 2002. 145 pages.
2. Unconscious//Materials of the international symposium in Tbilisi, t. 1-2, 1978